Company Details

Company Details

Set or Update Company Details

  1. Navigate to the "Me" icon in the top right hand corner of the screen
  2. Select sub-heading "Company Details

Core Details

  1. You will see a side panel with the top option - "Core Details".
  2. Here you can input your basic company information that you will need to transact on eBev like Australian Business Number or Australian Company Number and Liquor License Number.
  3. The appropriate company contact for each department.
  4. Your head office address.
  5. Upload your supplier logo, your credit application(if applicable) so new customers can open trading accounts quickly and terms and conditions. These will all be displayed at the bottom of each of your product pages.
  6. Add in a small description about what you specialise in and your social media handles. 

Add and Update Users

The second option on your side panel is your account Users. Anyone who takes, receives orders or is involved with marketing should have access to your account.
  1. Click the "Invite Users" button and decide which permission level you would like to assign them. Your staff will receive an email inviting them to access your supplier account with the permission level you have granted them.

Roles and Permissions

  1. To determine what that is we come to roles, the third option on the side panel. eBev has set a default but you can customise this depending on how you structure your company and what access each position needs. 

  2. For example: Managers can invite other users and enrich portfolio details but customer service can edit and confirm orders.

The next step in the set up sequence is to set your Order Configurations

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